How to Download and Install Sublime Text on Windows Linux or Mac

Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code, markup, and prose that has gained popularity among developers and writers alike. With its sleek user interface, extraordinary features, and amazing performance, its no wonder why many users want to download Sublime Text. In this article, we will guide you through the process of downloading and installing Sublime Text on your Windows, Linux, or Mac operating system.

Downloading Sublime Text

To download Sublime Text, follow these simple steps⁚

  • Go to the official Sublime Text website (
  • Click on the “Download” button located at the top right corner of the page
  • Select your operating system (Windows, Linux, or Mac) from the drop-down menu
  • Choose the desired version of Sublime Text (latest version or previous versions)
  • Click on the “Download” button to start the download process

Installing Sublime Text

Once the download is complete, follow these steps to install Sublime Text⁚

  • Run the installer file (sublime_text_setup.exe for Windows or sublime_text.dmg for Mac)
  • Follow the installation wizard instructions to install Sublime Text
  • Autorun the installer and follow the prompts to complete the installation

Licensing and Pricing

Sublime Text offers a free evaluation version with limited features. To unlock the full set of features, users need to purchase a license. Licenses can be purchased directly from the Sublime Text website.

System Requirements

Before downloading Sublime Text, ensure that your system meets the minimum system requirements⁚

  • Windows⁚ Windows 10 or later (64-bit)
  • Linux⁚ Ubuntu 18.04 or later (64-bit)
  • Mac⁚ macOS High Sierra or later (64-bit)


If you encounter any issues during the download or installation process, refer to the Sublime Text documentation and troubleshooting guides for assistance.


Downloading and installing Sublime Text is a straightforward process. With its exceptional features and performance, Sublime Text is an excellent choice for developers, writers, and anyone who requires a powerful text editor. Follow the steps outlined in this article to download and install Sublime Text on your system.

Remember to explore the Sublime Text website for additional resources, including tutorials, documentation, and community forums.

In additiontothebasicingsystemrequirementsenumeratedabove,itishighlyrecommendedthatyourcomputersystemmeetsor exceedsthefollowing specifications⁚

  • CPU⁚      Intel Core i5or AMD equivalent

  • Ram⁚      8 GBorhigher

  • Disk Space⁚   500 MBfree disk spaceforinstallationandoperating

  •  & & nVidiaGeForceGTX1060or AMD equivalentwithdedicatedvideo memoryofatleast256MB

By meetingthese specifications,youwillbeabletotakefulladvantageoftheexceptionalfeaturesandperformancethat/SubminimalTextoffers.


/SubminimalTextoperatesunder alicensed-basedmodel.Purchasingalicenseallowsyoutounlockthefullrangeoffeaturesandfunctionalityavailableintheapplication.Uponpurchase,youwillreceivethefollowingbenefits⁚

  • Lifetimeaccesstoallfeatureupdatesandreleases.

  • Prioritizedsupportfromourdedicatedteamofexperts.

  • Theflexibilitytouseyourlicenseonmultiplecomputers(uptoamaximumofthree).


/Purchaseoptionsaredesignedtomeetyouruniquebusinessneeds.WhetherYoureanindividualdeveloper,a team leadora large-scaleenterprisecustomer,weprovideaflexiblepricingmodeltomeetyourbudget⁚

  • LimitedTimeFreeTrial

    IfYoureunsureaboutcommittingtopurchasingalicense,WecanofferYouafree30-daytrialevaluationperiod.Duringthis period,youllhaveaccesstoallfeaturesandfunctionalityavailableintheapplication.Thisallowstoyoufullyevaluatetheproductbeforemakingapurchasingdecision⁚